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tv   Real Money With Ali Velshi  Al Jazeera  August 25, 2013 8:30am-9:01am EDT

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you receive healthcare and real money is your best source to find out how. first up, i'll take you to the state with the few west doctors per capita, a place barack obama care may not help. the cost of going to college is skyrocketing, so have the salaries of college presidents. i'll tell you about one man whose not turned his back on detroit and still sees opportunity where others see a dying city. i'm ali velshi and this is "real money."
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>> welcome to "real money" you're the most important part of this show. tweet us or use the hashtag on facebook or twitter. get ready, obamacare is coming. the changes in here are big. this will reshape health insurance markets, it will change the way we access and pay doctors, hospitals and drug companies. make no mistake, it will effect you no matter who you are. this law is more than 900 pages long and boy it is complicated. opposition has been fierce. if you're not insured you will have to buy coverage or pay a fine. if you, like most americans, who get their coverage through work are insured, it still effects you. now, this show will be your source of information about obamacare. i'm going to help you navigate in beast as it rolls out so that you can get the most for your money. now, there is a lot in here. let's start with something basic, a doctor's visit. this law is supposed to give
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more people access to medical care but what if there are not enough doctors in your area? by 2020 it is estimated that there will be a short m of 45,000 family doctors in rural, inner city america it is worse. david is our main man on obamacare and he's read every line of this 906-page law and overcoming weeks and months he'll tell us what's in here. he fund out firsthand by traveling to the mississippi delta that something as simple as seeing a doctor is a major challenge. ♪ ♪ >> it is often called the birthplace of the blues in the poverty stricken delta this is a welcome distraction from the region's joblessness and spark access to healthcare. ♪ ♪ >> a lot of people that need
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insurance don't have it. i actually happen to be one of them. >> with the few west working family doctors per capita in the nation many in mississippi's poor and rural areas have trouble seeing a physician. the magnolia state averages 1 physician for every 1700 people. in the delta it is much worse. >> it is a hard place to live. >> in 2011 just one primary care doctor was registered in this county, home to 5,000 people. here, where hou where more than0 live, there is two. >> in delta we have areas with a lot of transportation, there is not public transportation so people have trouble getting to providers and you don't have a large number of provide res, in particularly, specialists. >> so, we're driving through the mississippi delta. if you look around you can really get a sense of how rural this place is. access to care, access to primary physicians. these are some of the big considerations that people out
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here are confronted with. >> it takes way too long. >> too long. i feel like he has too many patients. >> he has insurance but he says getting in to see a doctor can take months. they said everybody will go to this one man and there is no way in the world he can give you medical attention. >> the clinic where he gets treatments couldn't comment on the case but say that the clinic is packed every day. when the older doctors start to retire, things could get worse and many already say that when they get sick they have just one choice for treatment. >> basically you go to the emergency room. >> that's not cheap. the price for the er trip is more than 6,000. for those like steve that has a heart condition, that kind of care has big limitations. >> i guess kind of works out good for a guy like me in a bit of emergency but it really doesn't do anything as far as
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i know as far as preventive healthcare and routine healthcare. ♪ ♪ >> in what may be a sign of just how few choices there are in the delta the army is now being deployed to help fulfill the healthcare gap. >> steve who earns 18,000 a year is turning to soldier for help. >> what can i do for you? >> i don't have any money or insurance. >> okay. >> medics back from iraq and afghanistan are here providing free medical, vision and dental screenings. >> explain that to you? >> oh, no, i just knew it wasn't available today. >> this bandaid approach is likely a temporary fix. experts say more permanent solutions require attracting doctors and nurses to the area. not an easy task. >> mississippi is an economically depressed state. our healthcare statistics, we're the 50th worse in obesity, 50th worse in infant morality.
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-- mortality and it is hard to attract a highly professional educated person to move to a rural place with a state with significant healthcare issues when they can be in boston or atlanta. >> sister anne brooks knows firsthand about how hard it is to find doctors to work in mississippi. she has ran a clinic here. >> 47% of my patients can't pay me, how do i earn the money to pay the salary of another doctor. >> officials say if enough people buy the insurance created on the exchanges bit obamacare and more participate, more doctors will come to the state. >> you will see primary care physicians and pa and nurse k tissuer, physician assistants, the doctors that live in the areas can at least rest assured that they will have the ability to have most of their patients have insurance. >> but, the hard reality is that for now more than a
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quarter of mississippi's population lacks insurance. many aren't even aware that under the law they could qualify for subsidies to help pay for it. >> it is the first i have heard about it. it sounds like a great thing. >> for the moment, many here in the delta are looking for the army for help and the blues for comfort. ♪ ♪ al jazeera, mississippi. >> now, there's another wrinkle to all of. under obamacare hospitals receive fewer federal dollars to take care of the uninsured. this law assumes more people will be covered and hospitals won't need that extra money. that's one way this thing is supposed to reduce costs but if people don't actually start signing up hospitals will be forced to keep treating the uninsured but with less money. those added costs could be
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pushed back to you via your insurer. for decades college has been key for the middle class to get ahead. the soaring cost to pay for school is among the biggest financial burdens the middle class faces. we'll look at one idea to try to reduce the costs. >> plus. >> some american colleges and universities control billions of dollars. they pay their presidents like ceos. i'm in columbus, ohio, when it comes to presidential pay, how much is too much? z. we have that story and much more as "real money" continues. keep it right here.
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every sunday night al jazeera america presents gripping films from the world's top documentary directors. >> this is just the beginning of
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something much bigger. >> thank god i didn't have to suffer what he had to go through. >> this sunday, the premiere of "into eternity". >> i am now in this place where you should never come. >> how do you contain 100,000 years of nuclear danger? >> it is an invisible danger. >> al jazeera america presents "into eternity". premieres sunday night 9 eastern. >> it is no secret that the soaring cost of a college education is a financial burden for america's middle class. president barack obama proposed creating a new system to rate colleges on how much value they offer students based on graduation rates, loan debt and tuition. he wants congress to tie federal aid to colleges on how well they score. this is all designed to make college more affordable. whether the president's plan goes anywhere in washington is far from certain but there is no doubt that outrage over tuition is focussing more attention on the pay and perks
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awarded to university presidents. some critics say that the tuition may fall if university presidents were not paid so much. but as reported, the pay of college pst have to do with how much money they have to raise. >> kayla smith waits tables at night after working in a downtown columbus office for a non-profit group. >> if you need anything -- >> it is the only way she can payoff the 40,000 dollars in student loans that came with her degree. the recent ohio state university grad is one of a growing number of people outraged, salaries of university administrators keep rising. >> it does make me very angry. >> the median pay for a public university president reached 440,000 last academic year up 4.7%. the highest paid was former penn state president who pocketed nearly $3 million after leaving them in a scandal. ohio state university, retired
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with a final pay of nearly 2 million. >> i don't think that they're necessarily worth that much. >> overall, roughly 35 public and private college presidents earned more than a million dollars last year. these academic leaders typically run very complex r prices with major research teams and sport teams like the ohio state buckeyes. >> california lawmaker yi has been leading a charge against executive pay at universities for years now. >> executives coming in to the system, they were being paid 400,000, 300,000, they were being paid more than the president of the united states, more than the governor. >> the outrage is fanned by perks as well as pay. ou's president entertained gusts and lived in this mansion owned by the university complete with tennis court. >> it is tee routine to have he keeping, club dues, free
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travel for wifes and we have seen cases where presidents are given additional money to make charitable donations. >> at first glance it is understanding and similar to the corporate world. unlike the corporate world where stock prices are a good mush of success there is little agreement on how to best determine presidential pay at universities. >> these are tax exempt institutions, they're supposed to serve a broder public good. they're not corporations, they're not-for-profit. there are no stock options. >> falling state funding has forced schools to increasingly rely on alternative financing and leaders that know as much about money as ac academics. the leaders don't come cheap. >> the market has gone up for the best and brightest who cannot only lead but also raise funds in a significant way. >> dale jones helps colleges and university hire administrators who have what it takes to raise that money. >> some have bought real
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estate holdings and some have had patents -- >> osu's gee was a star of the college fund-raising world. osu officials wouldn't speak on camera but the board of trustees says he took the university to "new heights" helping to raise more than 1 1.$6 billion so that today only 15% of the school's revenue comes from state support. 29% from tuition payments and 56% from other sources, including business enterprises. under his leadership osu leased out parking lots for 50 years and made nearly 500 million cash up front. the st expects to earn about 3 billion in investment returns on that business deal alone. one way to look at pay is compensation per student. richard veter heads the center for college productivity and affordability. his analysis reveals that the average pay for a public
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university president is roughly $25 per student. using this metric, auburn st paid its president the most, roughly 111 per student. ohio state university with its more than 50,000 students paid gee the equivalent of $37 per student. >> i don't think that they're necessarily worth that much but they can get away with it. >> head hunters and critics agree, competition for the men and women that lead universities will grow along with their pay. columbus, ohio, al jazeera. >> there are indication indicat some universities are becoming sensitive to the public backlash over executive compensation. an increasing number of schools, including ohio state, are paying presidents with money from private foundations. perks are being cut too. recently new york university announced it will no longer loan employees money to buy vacation property. the university had come under fire for issuing a mortgage to its current president so he
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could buy a beach house. so, what do you do if you're one of the 38 million americans that owe an average of 24,000 on your student loans, stacy found a way to reduce or even wipe out the payment. >> this attorney works for a non-profit organization called the legal aid society of the district of columbia where she helps people with low incomes settle housing disputes. >> to be i've to give a voice and have them assert rights is rewardingy. >>rewarding. >> sheila graduated 6 years ago with 80,000 in student loan debt and believed making the loan payments would mean making life altering sacrifices like missing out on homeownership and cost of a family. >> the cost of my debt would be possibly 800 to 100,000 a month. when you think about 800 to 1,000 a month in addition to really high cost of living in dc, in addition to all of the
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other monthly expenses, utility bills, transportation, which can be costly, that makes it difficult to think about adding on another cost of, you know, feeding another mouth. >> soon after finishing law school shirley heard about the government's public service loan forgiveness program. it started as part of the college cost reduction act of 2007. the program allows a large chunk of your student loan debt to be completely forgiven after ten years of public service. >> so, the federal government says people are doing this incredibly valuable work that helps other people in our country and in return we're willing to give them loan forgiveness. >> here is how it works, you must have a federal direct or family education loan commonly known as a fel loan. he have to work at ten years for any non-profit organization or for the federal, state or local government and make 120 monthly loan payments. neither the work nor payments have to be consecutive and can be spread out over longer periods of time. >> nobody can earn forgiveness
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until 2017. the department of education hasn't even created the process by which people will apply. >> making matters even more complicated you need to track and report your employment over a decade or more and keep all relevant tax documents and pay stubs. >> there is a maintenance requirement on your part to stay enrolled. that may be too much of a hurdle for some people. >> you must also enroll in the government's income based repayment program to get the public service loan forgive . the program reduces monthly out-of-pocket expenses but the interest on your loan keeps growing. that means if for some reason you don't complete ten years of public service you may actually end up with more debt. shirley feels it was worth the trouble. between public service loan forgiveness and income based repayment plan she'll be debt free in five years. without the programs, she would not finish paying off her loan until 2037. >> they allowed me to have the career i want to have, to help
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people that need my help and to not have to worry on a personal level of my own financial situation on a day-to-day base. >> allowing her a different life than if she spent decades struggling with student loan debt. >> in addition to the government's public service loan forgiveness program stacy told you about, there are programs that offer loan subsidies for teachers, healthcare workers and those with military service among others. detroit is realing after going flew the biggest city bankruptcy in u.s. history and while a lot of people are writing off motown, not so for the man you will next meet. he thinks detroit can save itself one neighborhood at a time. what he's doing could be an inspiration for struggling cities everywhere.ç]
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>> detroit is the largest u.s. city to file for bankruptcy protection. the people living there have had to deal with problems like burned out streetlights that aren't replaced. garbage that's picked up intermittently, vacant homes, all kind of problems. where many see a dying city, this detroit entrepreneur sees opportunity. this motown maverick believes detroiter s save the city one neighborhood at a time.
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our patricia sabga explains. >> yo you could call him a hand on entrepreneur. >> i work with concrete, metal, wood. i stay away from electricity. i learned a few lessons that way. >> he buys old buildings in detroit in disrepair, fixes them up and starts businesses. right now he's working on his latest venture, pony ride, a collective of almost 40 entrepreneurs and non-profits based in this 30,000 square footwear house including several textile companies and a hip-hop dance studio. >> people are so afraid of detroit they wouldn't open up business here for the longest time. we see when detroiters are allowed to participate they'll do incredible, great things. >> he bought his first building here in this neighborhood for 40,000 a decade ago. he moved here after a stint as an international model. >> if you can imagine, besides
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that, everything else was boarded up, no windows, everything abandoned. >> he ed in the abandoned building and slowly renovate it had teaching himself construction. >> it was rough. my first front door was a piece of plywood and a screw gun and screws. together with a few friends phil opened up slow's barbeque in the renovated space. slow's is thriving. now it employees more than 150 people. next year cooley will open another restaurant on the same block adding another 60 jobs. in fact, slow's is so successful cooley says he could have retired but he believes the key to his success is helping others. >> for us to be long-term successful -- for slow's to be around for more than just -- it has been eight years now, we think we need a healthy community around us. >> two years ago cooley bought the foreclosed warehouse that became ponyride for 100,000. >> are you here today?
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>> he renovated the warehouse himself and has spent 200,000 to whip the place into shape. he keeps costs low relying heavily on volunteer labor which also keeps rents low. >> we were at 25-cent as square foot which is about a 75% rent reduction for market rate. >> eric bases his hand made jeans company detroit denim from pony ride. he says he never could have started his business without phillip cooley. >> i would have been a plumber, a roofer, i would have been 20 different things before making the fist pair of jeans. to actually come in a building, set up ready, it is phenomenal. >> something that cooley wasn't expecting, entrepreneurs working together. gabe rallying supportogether. >> gabe is making belt buckles for detroit denim, a way he's expanding the business. >> that's something that we never would have thought of making on our own he says that there is an entrepreneurial momentum happening right now that many people don't expect
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in detroit. >> most of the demand for the things that we're making by hand comes locally. i think that that doesn't really square with the national narrative of detroit being this impoverished and mismanaged place. >> his experience in detroit paints a different picture than statistic statistics. in 2012 detroit had the lowest entrepreneurial rate compared to miami. the statistics don't represent what cooley is seeing in his neighborhood. ponyride helped create more than 100 jobs in just two years. >> we have probably triple that, triple the amount of businesses in the last 11 years and it will quadruple in the next year alone. >> cooley's commitment to creating a community where businesses can flourish includes ping up this park. >> it is what green space to get to but it is a place where people can gather, communicate, work and play together. the idea that we can make a
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difference is really important. the city was built out of hard work. that's probably what's going to rebuild it. >> detroit will save itself. it is doing it every day. i think we can learn from the mistakes of growth in the past. >> patricia sabga, al jazeera. >> he has big dreams for pony ride, running it like a non-profit, he wants every neighborhood to have its own version. he's planning a on-line blueprint with resources, financial, everything to help other parts of city support their local entrepreneurs. >> before i go, let me leave with you final thoughts. real money is unlike any other money show on tv. it is not focused on investors or solely on your personal financial concerns. it is bigger than that. i'll let you in on important news and trends and show you exactly how they can effect your own bottom line.
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on any day those trends may be about stocks or housing or jobs or energy or education or healthcare. in fact, i want this to be the place you choose to come to understand obamacare and all of its implications. i'll also warn you of dangers to your money. i'll give you access to people and ideas that you want to know about. i promise to make this show about you and for you every day. that's our show for today, thank you for joining us. i'm ali velshi. see you next time on "real money."
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this is al jazeera. ♪ ♪ >> hello there. welcome to the news hour. we have the world's main stories. syria says it is allowing the u.n. access to the site of an alleged chemical weapons attack in damascus. egypt's former president hosni mubarak has appeared in court just three days after being released from jail. russia's far east region suffers from the worst floods in more that particular 100 years with the worst yet to come. plus,. >> i'm in cambodia where a new bird